Osce prefinal practical

25 yr old female patient resident of miryalguda,housewife by occupation came to OPD with chief complaints of fever since 5 days and giddiness since 5 days.

Osce question .

Side effects of dengue vaccine in secondary infection 

Non neutralising antibodies which are produced due to vaccination for primary infection , can protect second serotype infection instead of neutralising them,thus causing more severe infection.

Types of dengue vaccine 
Chimeric yellow fever -dengue 
Tetravalent dengue vaccine's
These vaccines are previously used.
Currently dengusill vaccine which is under clinical trial created by serum institute (pune) INDIA.

Why fluid therapy is maintained 

To maintain fluid balance and osmality and to prevent from hypovalemic shock 

Types of iv fluids given

Normal saline
Dextrose normal saline
Dextrose saline
Ringer lactate 
They are given depending upon the use 

If you get dengue fever once ,can you get it again 

Yes, there are four major types of dengue viruses(DENV 1, DENV 2,DENV 3, DENV 4).Having dengue fever with one type of dengue virus will not protect from other 3 tyes of viruses.


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